Thursday, September 17, 2009

Creating a Twitter Widget with Flash (via Peachpit Press)

"With the help of ActionScript 3.0 and PHP, Kris Hadlock, author of Ajax for Web Application Developers, shows how easily you can add your tweets to your website.
Twitter usage is growing at a phenomenal rate—in just one year, Twitter grew by 1,382%. In January 2009, it received 4.5 million unique U.S. visitors. Recently I wrote an article called "Creating a Twitter Widget with Ajax," which explained how to bridge the gap between a local website and remote RSS feed using PHP and Ajax. This article addresses the same concept, but we'll be using Flash ActionScript 3.0 and PHP to create a handy Twitter widget for displaying your latest tweets on the Web.."

1 comment:

  1. After you read this tutorial you'll be all set to join CPFUG's Homework Challenge for October. We are building Twitter applications in Flash. All are welcome.


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